
⬤ ( Mai 5. 2023. ) ⬤ Some photo from the event: Fermata Vegyeskar Pepita placc market kézműves workshop kézműves workshop Bogázs kézműves workshop elektronikai bütykölde Porszem Hősöktere Csillagai tánccsoport tószínpad Kerényi vitakör Szenes terasz Neon csend akusztik tombola Keptár táncház ÁFA Hegila Trió Incarnate L1 Kaiba Korp Szabad Prédák DrinkNoWhine The photos are taken by Dózsa-Juhász Máté and Pánovics Attila.


⬤ ( April 27. 2023. ) ⬤ Here You can find a map, in order to help the navigation accross the venue:

May Day at Balokány!

⬤ ( April 18. 2023. ) ⬤
This is our poster for the 2nd turn with the concerts and workshops included!


⬤ ( April 10. 2023. ) ⬤ We're just finished the line-up of the concerts and performances at the lake Stage, it can be seen among the programs menu!
When putting together the musical part of the program plan, we made sure to give possibility for young bands and performers as to appear in the widest possible musical palette, from folk and pop music through metal to experimental electronics (and backward).

History of May Day events

⬤ ( April 09, 2023. ) ⬤ Beside the informations about the location, it is also important to know the history of may day, may and spring festival. The entry of Ábris Novák could be a starting point for it:


⬤ ( April 08, 2023. ) ⬤ During the preparation process we explored the history and memories of the place in order to have a small amount of context. It's fairly important, mostly in the case of such a place like Balokány Grove in Pécs. Our college Ábris Novák summarized a line of historym and published them in a series of posts at the fb-event. It's in Hungarian, but give a try to the auto-translator!

There will be May Day again in the increasingly beautiful Balokány grove!

⬤ ( March 22, 2023.) ⬤ In the self-organized, voluntary and public initiative of the students of PTE MK and the members of the L!FT professional college, we will organize a mayday party on May 1, 2023 in the area of Balokány Park in Pécs.

The event is organized in the spirit of rethinking traditional May Day events. Concerts, workshops, exhibitions, performances, fairs, food, drink, dance&party. We welcome all those who want to party, we want to satisfy the most varied needs possible with the programs created at the event, for young and old, for those hungry for culture or sausage and those who want to have fun.

We are currently in the organization and preparation phase, but a call for possible contributors and partners is already available. We are also looking forward to get in touch with those who would help the realization of the event with their support.